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Friday, December 7, 2007


I learned last night that if you get a *Free* Ticket to an NBA game and they're good seats that you'll offer to pay for parking - because that's the right thing to do - and that will run you $15, then when inside you'll offer to buy the 'ticket giver' a beer - because that's also the right thing to do but then you find out that each beer is $9 because apparently Heiniken is a "Premium" beer in Texas(?)... and if you get a couple more beers at $9 and a small cold pizza you'll soon spend around $80 to attend a free basketball game. But as long as your team wins and you've had enough beers that you feel the need to "run your mouth" a bit - even if it makes the people in front of you wearing the home team jerseys a little mad - it's well worth it.


valencia said...

Life 101-there is no such thing as a "Free" lunch.

Or apparently a ball game for that matter.

Ribhard said...

Been there...Done that! Several times I too have come out on the short end of "free" basketball, football, and baseball tickets.