"If you follow something ugly home, there's going to be something ugly waiting at the door to let it in." I often think of this line when I meet the parents of some of my students. But I wonder this month if maybe we could substitute the word crazy for ugly. In the past couple weeks, I have enjoyed some good crazy at work. When I called a parent to discuss her daughter's academic difficulties and mentioned that she was having a bad day, she told me that she was not surprised because her daughter's moon was in Scorpio that day. I made a note of this on her card. Today, a mom came in at the end of a long school day to sign a release for me to share notes with her child's therapist. This mom told me that years ago she (the mom) was mistakenly diagnosed as schizophrenic because she was having car troubles on the day the psychiatrist tested her. I naturally replied, "If I had a dime...." in my most empathetic counselor voice. Ten minutes later, when I peeled out of the parking lot in the mighty suby (yes, that's my '96 subaru legacy, the "Colorado Cadillac"), I was enjoying Simon and Garfunkel's "Cecelia" at full volume....
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