Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
This one of Ribherds inventions?
[Swipe Card]
Enter pin number
Enter pin number
[enter pin]
Please swipe card
[enter pin]
Process as credit or debit?
[press yes to proceed]
[processing transaction]
[is amount correct?]
[please wait for cashier]
[processing transaction]
[sign pen pad]
[take your receipt]
[thank you]
I was thinking they should add a few more f'ing steps to process a simple credit card transaction. However I do kinda like the guessing game... when it says Enter pin number do you hit "clear" or "Cancel" some places you hit clear and some places you hit cancel, but some places if you hit 'cancel' it cancels your transaction all together. I had one guy at a sporting goods store tell me I needed to hit credit, then yes twice, then credit again, then yes...."Whatever you say buddy"
Friday, December 12, 2008
The ship was the pride of the American side.........
If you could do one thing in all 50 states.......

So you want to dry your hands?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ear me now..........ear me later.

I have found that you cannot properly clean your ears with a regular washcloth. You have to use one that is a minimum of 5 years old and has been washed at least 300 times. You want an almost threadbare white one so you can wrap your finger in it when you swab out your ear flap. Upon visual inspection of said cloth, the white one will indicate if you are accomplishing your mission. If you use a regular washcloth, it is too thick and fluffy and will not get in the ear correctly...causing skin flakes and soap residue to gather in the cup valley of the ear. I remember when I use to travel in the 70's the Hotel 8 chain had perfect washcloths for this function. I would sometimes take one with me on my travels. (Always leaving an extra 25 or 35 cents on the dresser to cover the hotel's replacement cost.)
I have thought about this for a while and just recently brought a couple of very very old cloths from my Florida collection to Colorado for daily use.
I am pretty sure this is the best gift ever

Get a pet's eye view of the world, like National Geographic scientists do with our Crittercam, featured in PBS's Wild Chronicles. This ultra-compact and extremely durable digital camera clips onto your pet's collar, just like an ID tag. Water-resistant ABS housing keeps it secure while your pet roams, giving you the chance to see what the world looks through their eyes. The internal memory stores many photos and the timer can be set to take a shot every 1, 5, or 15 minutes. Includes a USB charger, USB cable, lithium-ion battery.
2"W x 2.2"H x 1.3"D; 4 oz.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I learnt how to make home-made cranberry sauce

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hang in there...............
whales are very large, old, and can make a lot of noise:
Blue whales produce sounds that travel 1,200 miles.
That's the farthest away of any animal on earth. The crazy thing is, you can't hear the noise. "The low-pitch sounds can reach 15 hertz," says Dave Mellinger, associate professor at Oregon State University, "while the human ear can detect noises only as low as 20 hertz." The blue whale's massive size—it's the largest animal on earth, surpassing any dinosaur that ever lived—allows it to produce sounds that are louder and lower in frequency than their fellow ocean dwellers.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Suck it up tough guy...
Well, I’ve really been struggling to walk on my left foot since I finished the marathon. It hurts to put any weight on it, and even hurts when I’m not putting any weight on it. All other aches and pains have pretty much gone away but my left foot has gotten worse, so I went into the podiatrist today. What I “Learnt” was that once you’ve run a marathon – "apparently" doctors think it’s alright to mock any complaints about pain. Like “you’ve run a marathon and now you’re going to complain about little aches and pains?” It seems that “bedside” manners no longer apply.
So I’m laying there with my foot up in the air …
[nurse prepares the needle for my foot]
Doctor: "So what type of running shoes do you wear?" he asks, making small talk, I'm sensing he's trying to distract me?
[Wham! nurse stabs needle into my foot before I can answer]
Dustin: "ou-ah-ee---oh!---youch-ooh-ah-SHEESH!"
Doctor: "I've never heard of that brand of running shoe before" he says with a smirk... bastard
I can now say I'd rather have a needle injected into my mouth, or ass, before I'd go back for an injection into my foot. That was terrible. So I took my sucker, grabbed a trinket out of the kiddy goody-basket and told them to buzz off.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
the times they are a changin........

Sunday, November 9, 2008
black and white..there is a difference..............
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Is america great or what?????

I bet you didn't know.............

Show me the bellwether state.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Quote of the Day

This afternoon, I learnt from Valencia the election quote of the day. Valencia quoted David Sedaris who said: "Being undecided in this election is like being on a plane and having the flight attendant offer you a choice of chicken or excrement with shards of glass - and asking 'How was the chicken prepared?'"
Leaders from the left....
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I learnt about Res ispsa loquitur

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mr. Magoo, the aging brain, & something else I forgot...

Yesterday on my drive to work, I slowed to allow a small white plastic bag time to cross the street. "That's it, move along little fella." (to be read in Mr. Magoo voice - which, by the way, Aug does so well) Anyway, in dawn's early light I imagined it was what? calling close to the ground: an albino ferret?! Then last night, Brian Williams (that nice young man on NBC Nightly News) tells me that the reason old people forget things is that the aging brain loses its ability to filter out irrelevant information, so the brain is overloaded and easily distracted. Q. How am I going to know when this is happening to me? I have always preferred the irrelevant information. Yes, I know the two word answer to that question: albino ferret.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sting Ray Shuffle
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Learnt about a new kind of book.................
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I learnt yesterday................
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dude... do you like see what I'm seeing dude?
So I took a bit of the liquid floaty sauce and noticed a couple of interesting things... first of all they made the prescription out for "Austin Allen", now as you know from previous blog postings I go by many different names - typically Justin, or Jason, and now I suppose Austin (which is what my father calls me every now and again as well) but my pharmacist, as if? of all people my pharmacist should certainly know me better by now but that is another matter. Then as I read more (which you can only partially see from this picture) but the label says "Take one teaspoon "by mouth" and I thought - how else would I take one teaspoon of liquid floaty sauce other than "by mouth" - but then as I thought about it more, maybe since it was actually prescribed to "Austin Allen" maybe this disclaimer was necessary?
Slip sliden away....
these are actually pretty funny
McCain roasts Obama
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Useful Safety Tip
Just read this somewhere... seems like a decent idea so figured I'd pass it along
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tough Love in a Tough Shed

On Saturday, I enjoyed an hour of massage to my feet and hands from a licensed reflexology therapist whose "clinic" is a tough shed located in her backyard on the west side of town. It was well worth the investment, and I will be going back for more. While I still have the pain in my heel (my presenting issue), the range of motion in my injured right shoulder is much improved as is a newly discovered soprano falsetto with which I surprised myself on Sunday afternoon. I hope such treatment will be covered in Obama's new health insurance plan.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tangled Web My Ass!
Friday, September 26, 2008
vivid, unusual, or strange dreams

Words That Confuse

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Morning Runs....
A "Public service announcement" if you will. So I was a little spooked this morning... I got up at around 5:30 am to go for my morning run…well turns out I had REALLY bad diarrhea for some reason... like Bad.. I mean I was sweating while pee (?) is coming out of my bung... anyway I was a little spooked because I’ve heard that you're not really supposed to run when you have the "green apple quick trots". So, before I ran, I logged onto “Stuff We Learnt” but was unable to find anything on this particular topic, then I tried to google but again - nada. So then I said oh well, loaded up gear and put some TP in my pocket and went on a 7 mile run . So, and the reason I’m passing this on, just so you all know it wasn't that bad. Really, just make sure to drink lots of water and you should be fine... figured I'd pass along that information in case any of you got the runs before your run and weren’t sure what to do. Now you know.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The most amazing program...............

Put a name to a face
Name tags help you automatically organize and share your photos based on who's in them.
Get Started with name tags»
How it worksInstead of tagging your photos individually, you can quickly identify and label many photos with one click.
Name tags helps you automatically find similar faces in your photo collection. All you have to do is enter a name or choose from your contacts.
Once you've named the people in your photos, you can do things like sort your photo collection by person, create custom slideshows, and easily share photos with the people in your albums.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bend Over
Did some simple math. In 2007 there were around 300 Million people in the United States. However, another query indicates that, of that 300 Million, there are really only around 117 million "tax payers". I.e. many people in the U.S.A. don't pay taxes, i.e. elderly, children, college age, prisoners, etc., anyway so 117 Million tax payers. The U.S. has recently bailed out the following:
AIG = $85 Billion
Fannie / Freddie = $100 Billion
Bear Sterns = $30 Billion
Total = $215 Billion from tax payers to these companies. That's $1,837.00 from each tax payer. Not to mention I'm scratching my head a little here... I read about Russia and Venezuela taking over private companies and absorbing them into the government - hmm...
Technically if they're using my money - shouldn't I now have $1,837.00 worth of stocks in those companies? and if the stocks go up I can make some money?
Isn't this a governement for the people by the people? Just askin'.. I wonder if there is a glitch in the matrix or the space time continuim or something.
Great Scott!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Days are Here!!!

Now that is funny..........
Friday, September 12, 2008
You be the judge....
Following the revelation that Ribbhard was delivered to Chucky and Betty for the discount price of $68.60 ("prior" to the advent of discount cards I might add) - a debate had ensued regarding Ribhard's own "Cheapass" tendencies - or lack there of. Subsequently I submit to you two excerpts from his own postings. I have also added a poll to the right in hopes of settling this debate.
Exhibit A: "...I learnt that when wine quits coming out of the ain't empty! You take the plastic liner out of the box and tilt it this way and that....and get the last 2 - 3 ounces of delicious wine."
Exhibit B: "If you go to Winn-Dixie around 7:00 PM on a Saturday and try to buy cheapass wine that is on sale for $4.99 / 1.5 ltr...and don't have your damn Winn-Dixie preferred shopping card..........they will try to make you pay the full $6.99 price.........and if you give them your phone number and they can't make your shopping card number come up...they will still try to make you pay the full price...........and when you tell them to take it off the charge card..they will have to call the manager to come over and do a code seven with his key and secret code...and you will waste about 15 minutes of your life that you will never get back. ...which is all the more reason we should all avoid shopping at any store that makes you show some sillyass card to get the cheap price..........(except King Sooper because they are close to my apartment).."
You be the judge.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
I learnt today....

Sunday, September 7, 2008
re-learnt tonight
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Yeah but....
A Balloon is "Saved"!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Shift sliding away............
Friday, August 29, 2008
"Out of Touch" ... "Elitist?"
Bastards.... happy Friday to everyone else though! Any fun plans?