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Friday, January 4, 2008

Biblically Speaking...

I have always wondered if when cheese starts to grow mold – and since cheese is mold – does cheese then “Begat” more cheese? Any ideas?


Ribhard said...

This is an excellent question that I have been researching all night. I didn’t find a definitive answer however I can offer this found information: There are hundreds of different types of cheese that can be differentiated both by the type of milk: raw, skimmed or pasteurized, and by the animal: cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, horse or camel. This mention of “horse” raises several disturbing images and questions in my mind.

PS: I think Leopold has been designated the professor and should weigh in on the to begat or not to begat question.

Polvo'd said...

In Spanish that would be "jugo de caballo" (Juice of Horse)

Polvo'd said...

correction "Leche de Caballo" (Milk of cow)

Ribhard said...

correction "leche de Caballo" actually is milk of the horse.

Ribhard said...

Amazing what one finds while strolling down the information highway looking......for a simple Spanish to English translation site such as:

I stumbled upon:

that includes a tool which allows the translation of a nucleotide (DNA/RNA) sequence to a protein sequence.

Do you know how many times in the last week I have needed to do this? And each time I had to get out my note book and calculator! Is Al Gore great or what?