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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nuggets in the ditch

Stopping to pick up a few nuggets as I wobble down the road of life:

1. Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow a promissory note, but today is cash. Spend it wisely. (Or hell just makes sure you spend it.)

2. For a majority of likely voters, meaningless bullshit will be the most important factor in deciding who they will vote for in 2008.


Polvo'd said...

Was pondering campaign rhetoric myself lately. I personally like the "pro-life" take that cringes at harming an embryo but is all for bombing a city. Pro-life but pro death penalty? Some stuff I can't reconcile I guess.

No one wants government regulation but then you're scratching your head when your utility bill is through the roof and the utility company has windfall profits, CEO making millions, etc.,

Hmmmm.... I think I'll vote for Vic. He supports good causes like the fruit cake toss, organic foods, is against shaving, and has a fair-to-good sense of humor.

P-Lou said...

Polvo, This puts me in the mind of one of my favorite quotes form philosopher/comic (and don’t we love that combination?) A. Whitney Brown who once said:
"I don't know if we have rights before we're born, but I do know that being 'born again' does not entitle you to twice as many."

Ribhard said...

I am with you on the pro-life puzzle but I must take exception with the fair-to-good sense of humor assessment: I have attended every Gecko parade in Gulfport, listened to Lucky tell the "I saved the space shuttle" story
15 times, nighted at the Bob Bean in R.I. and pretended to lose to Barry playing liar's poker.

Ribhard said...

and just for the record if drafted, I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve.