Today, while sitting out back with my feet propped up, I learnt that the combination of warm afternoon sun, cool breeze, screaming parrots, a good book, a pilfered, pre-mixed margarita in hand, (with salt and a slice from a 4 for a $ lime), is down right bliss.
Ok, rub it in. Victor and I drove to school on ice this morning for the third day in a row. That settles it; we will be there next week.
What grade is Vic in anyway?
Be here next week? Does that mean I have to return the pilfered pre-mixed margaritas?
Ice? All I know about ice is how it makes lovely music in a blender.
Polvo, Vic is in the 7th grade. He has a mullet and is on the honor roll.
No, boan, we weren't counting on the margarita mix - sounds like it might be gone in a week. But, if you buy more, we'll bring some ice with us from colorado.
I like your thumbnail pic.
boan – 1. It looks to me like this comment about the margarita was posted about 2:11 PM on the blog….would that be Florida time or Mountain time? 2. I am assuming you are looking at the clock and thinking “it’s five O’clock somewhere” 3. If you go over to Coronado way south you can scrounge around the cd’s and get some good sippin music that will include these lines:
I blew out my flip flop,
Stepped on a pop top,
Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home.
But there's booze in the blender,
And soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on
……… good to listen to if you are gonna drink margaritas in the early afternoon….
Valencia – I am now officially in the 8th grade……we finally won the argument with the school board concerning attendance promotion and paid for the two “missing” library books “catcher in the rye” and “tropic of Capricorn” and turned in the science and English books too. I cut the mullet weeks ago and you are probably not going to believe this but I have not made a grade less than an “A” since 4th grade. ( they gave us Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory for the first 3 years ) and this is another little known fact…I haven’t missed a day of school yet….and I am talking about since day one…….I wonder if I will make up for this when I get to high school………..
Vic, it was 5 Reno time.
I know my happy hour time zones.
Don't make me come down there!
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