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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fruit of the vine

It suddenly dawned on me, that I actually have 10 liters of wine sitting on the counter top in our kitchen. I think this is more alcohol than I have ever owned at one time in my life.

I am not sure what this means....but one might say this means I have become a collector of fine wine. (I am not one to brag, but you probably can't read the January "Born-On-Date" in the picture.)

And just for the record, I never understood the appeal of wine, until I was introduced to the beverage, by certain in-laws I originally met in Gulfport, Florida.


boan said...

hey now~!
I don't recall introducing you to BOX wine. That must have been someone else.

P-Lou said...

If Victor persists in these asccusations, I think Joan may beat him like a rented mule!

boan said...

You 'beat' him to the punch!

Abbzug said...

interesting and brilliant marketing ploy - wine that goes so well with raisin bran, in a box that can be stored conveniently on a shelf, in the pantry, or next to the coffee pot, next to the box of raisin bran.

- abbzug, leopold, and lulita


p.s. that's not wine.