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Sunday, December 2, 2007

the (re)telling

boan has started a new blog, and yer'all invited. It's called the (re) telling, and the premise is that it is a collective memory of told, retold, and soon-to-be told stories. all true. or mostly true. or close enough to true that they could've been true. or not. It's like a village version of NPRs "Story Corps"... a place for woven narratives .... an example of a good story would be like, when I had 'valencia' believing for years that I was capable of dissappearing, reappearing, and overall magicery. If you've got a story to tell, send me an email and I'll unlock the door....


boan said...

oh, i remember that. we played that on nathan and freaked him out.

P-Lou said...

I like this concept for a blog...and I especially like that picture - as it brings to mind the exchange of some serious bullshit...good times, good times

Ribhard said...

I will be adding to that soon as I figure out how.........I have tales to tell........