I learnt that my photo shop / paint brush skills are far inferior to other contributors to this blog. However, let it be known that if I should ever figure out how this is done...
Let it be known that Victor gets the credit for 97% of this one - from conception to execution. I just did a little fine tuning - and posted it as directed - by Victor. So, as you sharpen your skills, it might be VICTOR who makes the best target.
what the...
I learnt that my photo shop / paint brush skills are far inferior to other contributors to this blog. However, let it be known that if I should ever figure out how this is done...
Let it be known that Victor gets the credit for 97% of this one - from conception to execution. I just did a little fine tuning - and posted it as directed - by Victor. So, as you sharpen your skills, it might be VICTOR who makes the best target.
We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts, and those who harbor them.
"To the Victor go the spoils."
I'm rubber, you're glue...everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
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