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Sunday, May 23, 2010

the times they are a changin'

For decades, illegal marijuana cultivation has been an economic lifeblood for three counties in northern California known as the Emerald Triangle.

The war on drugs and frequent raids by federal drug agents have helped support the local economy — keeping prices for street sales of pot high and keeping profits rich.

But high times are changing. Legal pot, under the guise of the California's medical marijuana laws, has spurred a rush of new competition. As a result, the wholesale price of pot grown in these areas is plunging.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TWO graduates: "J.D." and Valencia

Last weekend, I learned that one who earns his law degree is a J.D.,Juris Doctor, and gets to wear the doctoral robe with the black velvet stripes - and the pie hat! This weekend will be Valencia's graduation (English/concentration:Literature). And next weekend will be Ethan's (Business/Finance). "Wicked smart" is in the air! Congratulations to all!
On Saturday I learnt that sometimes there is no limit to the pride we feel for our siblings.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Now are the foxes!" Steve Martin, SNL

This week I learned that wildlife can be found right in one's own back yard!