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Monday, March 23, 2020

Dreams during a Pandemic

Over the past couple of nights, I have dreamt some wild dreams. The night before last, I dreamt I lost my daughter's friend, Etta, in a costume store, but in the end, her parents forgave me, and her dad shook my hand (which, as you can imagine, was terrifying). Last night, I dreamt I decided to delve into the fine art of making homemade yogurt while drinking vodka with a splash of pomegranate juice. The yogurt, I decided, would be a fitting going away gift for some friends of mine who had announced, only in my dream, that they were getting the hell out of town, leaving this popsicle stand. This video for your viewing pleasure:

1 comment:

Ribhard said...

I think we are going to all have some crazy dreams
in the next few weeks. But hey, maybe that's how
we survive. Like a safety release pressure valve
for our brains.