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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Glove Worthy

I am not sure if any of you remember the old seinfeld episode where elaine faced the reality of choosing who was "sponge worthy" ( ), But I had the same dilemma today. I got 100 disposable gloves the other day. so now i always take a pair with me when i walk.You know just in case i see a cigarette butt laying on the ground and start weighing the options
of picking it up to throw it away.....or smoke it?

Anyway  I am walking downtown gulfport and observing the 6 ft rule...actually 10 ft rule because there are few walkers early today. I have to pee so i go to the public bathroom by the  beach. i dont have to go to the beach so i am not violating any rules. just heading to the bathroom by the sidewalk. When i get there i see the door is shut. The decision is:  do i put on my glove and see it the door is locked or not. I think about it a couple of minutes.i weigh my need to pee with the value of the glove. i decide not to waste a glove on checking to see if the door is locked. i walk down the street and there is another bathroom. same deal. hmmmmm to use a glove or not? i gauge my need to pee with the distance from home vs the value of a disposable glove. ( I am thinking about The Stand by Stephen King and how values changed when disasters strike)  these are all new calculations that i have never weighed before. I think about an ECON 202 class at UCCS and something about value choices vs cost , probability , and outcome options. Of course this does not help me make a decision, hell i barely understood the ECON class 10 years ago, much less now.  Anyway I decide to walk home and not waste a glove. These are the kind of decisions we all are now forced to make in these times.

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